Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tender Mercies

I've decided to start recording the little tender mercies I recieve. I must admitted I do wish I would have done this a long time ago. There have been sooo many that I did not write down and that I have forgotten now. Right after Dylan passed they came on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day, but now they come less frequently. Yesterday I was in the bathroom doing something, I can't remember exactly what, but Hayden peeked around the bathroom door and just out of the blue flashed me the sign for I love you in sign language. He just held up his fingers and smiled at me. It surprised me so much because he has never done that before.  It instantly reminded me of Dylan and the sweet picture of him showing I love you in sign language. I remember being at the funeral home in the parking lot getting things ready for the funeral and talking to Stacy. She was getting ready to get in her car to leave and stopped and flashed me the sign...just like Dylan did. Later she told me that she felt like Dylan had whispered in her ear to do that so that I would know he loved me. I think that's what he told Hayden yesterday. I know that he loves me and wants to find ways to still show me.

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