Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pennies from Heaven

I found another penny today, this time just laying on the carpet in the living room. I have decided to save them each time I find one. I already have four next to his pictures in my room. I know that this is Dylan's way of saying "hello" and that he is near and watching over me. It is so weird... all the random times and places I find them. I miss him terribly tonight and am feeling those tugs at my heart. I thought about it it is getting harder to remember what it is like to be around him. I am forgetting what his personality was like and his laugh and the funny little things he used to say and do.  I makes my heart ache thinking about it! I don't want to forget him...I want to hold him, and kiss him, and talk to him, run my fingers through his hair, and kiss his cheek, and tell him how much I love him!! I miss my Dylan soooo much! I will never look at another penny again without thinking about Dylan. <3

Just a little background about the "Angel's Pennies" poem. On Dylan's birthday, exactly 7 months after he passed, we woke up that morning to find this poem outside our front door, along with pennies scattered all over our front porch, along our driveway, and all over our cars and camper. There were hundreds of pennies. Later that day, we also discovered that they had placed pennies at his grave site as well. After about a week, we finally figured out who had done this for us...The Martin Family. Jeff and David went to highschool together and are still great friends. We love them like family and they have been a great support to us. One day after a few months passed, I decided it was time to sweep up the pennies from the front porch. As I started to sweep Hayden came running outside saying, "No, no mommy! Those are Dylan's pennies!" After his strong reaction I decided we would just leave the pennies just where they were. Almost a year later, there are still a few of Dylan's pennies left on the porch.

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