Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Today has been a wonderful Mother's Day! Last year was so hard for me and I was very sad most of the day. I remember sitting on the bench on my front porch crying my eyes out, and my sweet neighbor across the street saw me and came over to comfort me. She told me that I was a strong woman and said, "You can do this!" It meant so much to me that she had so much faith in me.
I woke up unusually early this morning. As soon as I opened  my eyes the first thought that came to me was of Dylan. In my minds eye, I pictured him floating above me and reaching down to give me a kiss on the cheek. The words, "I love you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day" also filled my mind. It was just a few brief moments, but that was all I needed! I have learned not to discredit those precious tender mercies that come. How thankful I am for the sweet visit from my angel son! It made my Mother's Day that much more special.

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