Thursday, May 17, 2012

Beautiful Reminders

Today I spent part of the day at my sister-in-law Stacy's house.  While we were visiting, she took me into her laundry room to show me a project that she had started for the kids, but had never finished. As she was looking through some boxes, she found this sweet little note that she had written down months eariler.  It read...

Found Darylin's keys and stopped to return them on my way to church. After I went into the house and they were in their bedroom with the door closed, I decided to leave. I was giving Ashlynn the message about the keys, when there was a knock at the door. In came Riley and Brinley, I asked why they had come in, instead of waiting in the car. Riley said, "Because I need to give David and Darylin a hug." I asked why and he said, "Because I was told too, they need it". Then he walked back and tried to open their door. They asked who it was and he said, "Riley Kempton". I realized they were not available right then and told Riley we would come back later. When we got to church and the sacrament was starting, I asked Riley why he had felt that he needed to give David and Darylin a hug so bad. He said because he needed to make Dylan happy. I asked, "Why would that make Dylan so happy?" He said, "Because when your best friend goes to heaven, he needs you to make sure his parents are happy."

This was such a wonderful reminder of how close Dylan was right after he passed. I believe that he did prompt Riley to come in and give us a hug. Dylan showed us in so many beautiful ways that he was aware of our sorrow and wanted to comfort us.  I miss feeling him so close, like it was right after his death and even months after. I know he still comes to see us, but not as often now. I am so thankful to a loving Heavenly Father who allowed our son to stay with us for a while to comfort us and also sent others to help carry us, when we had no strength.

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